
WORK LIFE BALANCE – Build your DREAM life of FREEDOM with ease!

High Dimension®Portal
Intuitive Course Builder & Conscious Community
– Spiritual, Holistic & Wellbeing.

Empowering facilitators & creators to hold space & create in a safe, private & sacred space.
Professional Academy for your products, groups, courses & memberships.
Teaching tools to organise your content, LIVE sessions & replays, with 24/7 automated access.
Your own social community – includes everything you’d expect for social pages & interaction!

Creating abundance for facilitators holding space for collective consciousness.
Est. 2017

Create work life balance
– Freedom to work anywhere
Supportive energetic resonance
– Encouraging facilitators growth
Create abundance helping others
– Make an impact!

Bring your creation ONLINE..

  • Create, build & sell your own Create products, courses, workshops, groups & memberships, with ease
  • Organise Content & Replays
    Make learning engaging, intuitive teaching tools
  • Collective consciousness
    Create private social or course specific groups
  • Your customer journey flows
    Integrated payment processing & automation. Access 24/7
  • Direct Messaging in Course Support your students within the specific lesson or topic
  • Tech ‘done for you
    Intuitive course builder
    drag & drop easy to use
  • Facilitator Private Dashboard Excellent overview, success and status of courses, in one place.
  • Drip Content
    when ready based on date & access given
  • LIVE session integration
    Direct zoom access in groups
  • AI – Course builder
    Give your basic information & the generates lessons for you!
  • AI – Quiz builder
    Generates questions and able to identify all question variants
  • EASY links for social promotion
    Direct to courses & ‘buy now’
  • Exclusive ONLY for –
    Spiritual, Holistic & Wellbeing
    Sacred, private & safe SPACE
  • Course Reviews & Ratings
    Receive student reviews & email automated reminders
  • Auto Enrol from your Website
    Manage your students purchase & enrolment
  • Webpages designed for you!
    – we also offer to build you a webpage or a course page to support your marketing.
  • Professional Teaching Tools
    Create lessons, topics, courses, groups, products, quizzes, tests, exams, certificates, assignment upload & much more..
  • We set your groups up for you!
    So you are ready to create

Be seen..

All TIERS – Optional add-ons
– Both of these are good for creating a central point and ONLINE presence.

+ Landing page ‘My courses’ for promotion of groups / courses / products / memberships. Set up fee includes hosting for 1 year £45.
(This page can be ‘taken with you’ as you move up the tiers and added to).

+ Business Webpage created for you, an ONLINE presence to point clients to know about you as a business. Set up fee includes hosting for 1 year £95.

– You just provide your content, media images, business information & contact details – we do the rest!

Conscious Course Creation..

Want Step by step guidance in how to create a course or group membership?
You can Join here the Conscious Course Creation with founder Tracee Cullen
– 6 week Digital Business Course taking you form IDEA to PUBLISHED!

BOOK now – Conscious Course Creation

The Creation..

a vision of working in freedom, accross time & space

Passionate about providing sacred safe energetic space, conscious communities, in alignment to freedom, collective energy and to support others, in sharing teachings and space. Creating abundance opportunities for ALL.

Knowing that together we are more allows us all to evolve, encourage each other to BE the change, believing that we ALL have our own unique energy and gifts to share.

The High Dimension®Portal was created in 2017 due to founder Tracee Cullen working mainly in India and the UK, travelling extensively worldwide to teach, so naturally evolving and seeking course builders that were aligned to allow her to work online,accross time & space, yet within the sacred space she creates, that supports Spiritual, Holistic & Wellbeing.. after extensive research, it simply did not exist and so she dedicated her energy into creating it herself with a trusted team of technical expertise from Australia, America, India, Philippines & UK.

The creation of the High Dimension® Portal, was born from Tracee’s previous technical background and knowledge, but primarily guided from her intuition, conscious awareness of the worldly changes that would come & free spirit within!

This alongside encouraging, supporting, mentoring, teaching and holding space for others to evolve authentically too in their vocation, in creating spiritual businesses.

8 years on.. in a year 8 in numerology – there is an opportunity to share space, teachings and energy with everyone that is aligned – your warmly welcomed!